Laboratory of
Dr. Zam Kassiri

Heritage Medical Research Centre
University of Alberta, Edmonton

​[New student!] Welcome to our new PhD student, Xinyi Zhang! Xingyi will be studying the role of inflammation in fibrosis.
July 2024
[SCHOLARSHIP!] Congratulations to Razoan Al Rimon for receiving the "Motyl Endowment Graduate Scholarship"!.
May 2024
[FELLOWSHIP!] Congratulations to Dr. I. Meganathan, for receiving the prestigeous Banting CIHR Fellowship!
May 2024
​[New student!] Welcome to our new PhD student, Tushar Naiya! Tushar will be studying the role different cell types in atherosclerosis.
April 2024
​[New Publication!] Congratulations to Vidhya Krishnan for her first 1st-author publication titled: "Loss of ADAM15 in female mice does not worsen pressure overload cardiomyopathy, independent of ovarian hormones" in Am J Physiology: Heart & Circ. Physiol.
January 2024
[New Graduate!] Congratulations to Tolga Kilic for successfully defending his MSc thesis.
December 2023
​[New Graduate!] Congratulations to Dr. Priya Aujla for successfully defending her PhD thesis, and submitting her revised thesis!
Octobert 2023
​ [New Publication!] Congratulations to our recent graduate, Dr. Mei Hu, to puslibh her final 1st author research paper from her PhD training: "Loss of TIMP3, but not TIMP4, exacerbates thoracic and abdominal aortic aneurysm" in Journal of Molecular & Cellular Cardiology.
September 2023
[SCHOLARSHIP!] Congratulations to Yingxi Li for receiving the 'Motyl Endowment Graduate Scholarship in Cardiac Sciences'!
August 2023
​[New student!] Welcome to Vidhya Krishnan, our new graduate student! Vidhya completed her undergraduate degree at U of A (Dept of Biochem) and will be investigating the role of ADAMs in different disease models.
April/May 2023
​[AWARD!] Congratulations to Dr. Mei Hu for receiving the Department of Physiology's Peter Pang (best thesis) award! Very well desrved!
​[New Publication!] Check out our Editoral in Canadian Journal of Cardiology (Zhu & Kassiri) titled: "Can good CARMA prevent abdominal aortic aneurysm?"
January 2023
​[New Graduate!] Congratulations to Dr. Mei Hu for successfully defending her PhD thesis!
November 2022
​[New Publication!] Review article by Al Rimon et al. (in colab. with Dr. K. Brunt lab @ Dalhousie U.): "High Impact Opportunities to Address Ischemia: A Focus on Heart and Circulatory Research" Am J Physiol: Heart & Cir Physiol. doi.org/10.1152/ajpheart.00402.2022
August 2022
​[New Lab Tech!] Welcome to Ms. Nikki Atanasova, our new lab technician, who will bring some order to our lab!!
​[New Student!] Welcome to our new PhD student, Mr. Jiechun Zhu, who joins us from Ontario, and was successful in receiving a full scholarship (CSC) for his PhD training!
​[New Publication!] Just published: a side effect that was worth exploring, by Hu et al. "Implications of SM22α-Cre expression in keratinocytes and un-anticipated inflammatory skin lesions in a model of atherosclerosis" Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol, DOI: 10.1152/ajpheart.00325.2022"
Join our laboratory

The Kassiri Lab welcomes students, postdoctoral fellows, and visiting scholars who are interested in conducting research related to extracellular matrix and cardiovascular diseases. The potential applicants are expected to have a strong background in one of the following areas: physiology, molecular biology, biochemistry, cell biology, and pharamcology. Potential graduate students are admitted to the MSc or PhD physiology program at the University of Alberta. If you are intrinsically motivated, please contact Dr. Kassiri directly. Please click here for more details regarding position availability in our lab.